If you’re thinking of selling your home, keep in mind that buyers appreciate a clean look in the homes they view. You can increase the value of your home and decrease the time it takes to sell by making a few simple improvements. Aroma is the first thing prospective buyers notice when they step inside …
Is now the right time to lower the asking price for your residence? If you’ve studied the housing market closely, set an aggressive price for your home and are still struggling to generate interest in your residence, the answer to this question may be a resounding “Yes.” Ultimately, there are many reasons why you may …
Featured Listing (don’t miss this one): https://hhimls.mlsmatrix.com/DE.asp?k=87415X1RDW&p=DE-3797795-957 Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]
“Bluffton Today” has nominated Sherryl as Best Real Estate Agent! Please Vote now for her. Scroll under the Home, General Services & General Service Category and select Real Estate Agent Voting is from April 21st to May 5th
If you plan to pursue a house, you likely want to enjoy a seamless homebuying experience. Although you may take extra steps to err on the side of caution as you explore myriad homes, there may be times when it helps to be an aggressive homebuyer. Ultimately, there are many reasons why you may want …
For first-time home sellers, promoting a residence to the right groups of homebuyers may prove to be a major challenge. Lucky for you, we’re here to help first-time home sellers streamline the process of showcasing a house to prospective buyers and accelerating the property selling journey. What does it take to promote a house effectively? …
Featured Listing (don’t miss this one): https://hhimls.mlsmatrix.com/DE.asp?k=87415X1RDW&p=DE-3628925-192 Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]
“Eating you out of house and home.” It’s a phrase you can use quite literally if you’re talking about termites — and it can be even worse when you factor in the scams that termite inspectors often run. Every year termites do $2 billion dollars worth of damage. The problem is so bad that homeowner’s …
When you’re buying or selling a home, you may hear the terms, “assessed value” and “market value.” There are few things that you should know about these terms. First, they cannot be used interchangeably. The assessed value is generally much less than the market value. If you’re buying a home, you probably would rather see …
The idea of a tight-knit neighborhood seems like an artifact of a simpler time in our country. And, in many ways, it is. Improvements in transportation and technology make it easier than ever to be connected with friends and family across the country and around the world. However, there are still many good reasons to …
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