
Equipment & Online Platforms to Help with Virtual Showings

Virtual meetings and video conferencing have become the norm as we adapt to social distancing guidelines and staying well. And while these times will eventually pass, and we will return to a time of normalcy, we’re all going to need to continue to adapt and get creative in the meantime. In the real estate industry, this …

Documents You Need When Building a Home

Building a new home requires pouring a foundation, framing the walls, running wires and pipes and (eventually) finishing the interior trim. Throughout the process, there’s also a decent amount of paperwork to take care of. Here’s a guide to the documents you’ll need when building a home. Blueprints Blueprints are the documents that show how …

DIY Guide: Stepping Stones for Your Garden

Steppingstones are a perfect alternative to traditional garden paths. For small spaces or for a more rustic look, steppingstones can liven up a space while providing helpful functionality. There are many styles of stepping stone, such as those made from flagstone or concrete pavers. However, pebble steppingstones are a fun and creative addition to any …

DIY Decor Made Easy With No-Sew Curtains & Cushions

If you need to give a space a style boost, switching up fabrics can be a great place to start. There are lots of DIY projects you can use to add new colors, textures and prints to any space. However, if you don’t have a sewing machine or sewing experience, the thought might seem daunting. …

February’s eNewsletter

View February’s eNewsletter Check out how other clients have evaluated my service. Testimonials   Featured Listing: I look forward to working with you in 2022 or at some time in the future, Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]

Choosing the Right Seating and Décor for Your Home Theater

Your home theater can make you feel you’re watching movies at an actual cinema when you choose the right seating and décor. Having a home theater also gives you a chance to add your own personal touch in terms of style and interior design. With a variety of options available, deciding on the ideal seats …

4 Colorful Outdoor Plants to Grow Indoors

If you’ve dreamt of having a lush and colorful garden but don’t have the space or climate to support it, consider keeping houseplants instead. There are many varieties of outdoor plants you can grow inside your home as houseplants if you need or prefer. Here are some of the top garden favorites to grow indoors, …

January’s eNewsletter

View January’s eNewsletter Check out how other clients have evaluated my service. Testimonials   Featured Listing: I look forward to working with you in 2022 or at some time in the future, Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]

The Benefits of Larger, More Illustrious Houses

Whether you are buying your first home or are upgrading, consider buying a larger home. Even if you are just planning on starting a family, a larger home allows you to grow into it. And, you don’t have to put up with the pesky chore of moving when it’s time to go bigger. If you …

5 Tips for Decorating a Small Porch

If you have a small front porch you might feel as though you don’t have enough room to work with. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to decorate a front porch even with very little space. You might not have room for a big porch swing or for …